Monday, August 22, 2011

Nice Guys Finish Last

     There is an old adage “Nice guys finish last.” Typically, it only applies when getting women, sometimes it does but overall it doesn't, However, in just about every other aspect of life it does. From a young age we (and by we I mean most of my age group, ok maybe just a portion of my age group) were taught proper morals and values; i.e. Always respect ladies and your elders, hard work brings success, be honest, loyal, trustworthy and dependable, be humble, value your job and take pride in it, open doors for others, greet everyone with a smile, always repay your debts, be courteous... and lets not forget the golden rule that was pounded into our skulls and tattooed on our conscious: Always treat others as you would have them treat you!
      I recently read a story where a study was done and found that disagreeable workers (I prefer to call them assholes), make more money than nice people. Rude men make about $10,000 more a year where rude females make, on average about $2,000 more. How does that make any sense?
     Let's just say you are the epitome of niceness and go about your day smiling at people, holding the door open at the 7-11, stopping at a busy intersection to let someone out, bringing coffee and doughnuts for the office, taking on extra work to ease a co-worker's burden, loaning the warehouse guy $20 until payday so that he can buy his kid some diapers (or you can feel free to insert any sob story you prefer), working late to make sure all of you, and your co-workers work get done, and going home to a room mate, who is also your best friend, that comes up with seemingly endless variety of excuses as to why he doesn't have the rent, but seems to have money to buy gadgets and toys. But you accept this out of the KINDNESS of your heart.
Let's just break this down, assholes make more, 95% of the people are NOT going to return that smile, rather look at your as if you are high, close the door in your face at the store, speeding up or getting on the car's bumper in front of them so you can not get through, NOT spend any of their money on coffee and breakfast for the office, odds are your loan will get repaid with the same endless variety of excuses your room mate gives you, no one would willingly take on your extra work, and you get to live your life getting stepped over, taken advantage of, and generally bent over and ramrodded as if Ron Jeremy was behind you.
     So where's the pay off? If you are nice and live a good life you get to have a clear conscious that you did all you could to help others? Maybe this sounds selfish, but what about me? Where is the joy in this selfless and, for the most part, thankless existence? I get a clear conscious that what I am doing is the right thing. If that nagging little bastard didn't exist then I could spend my money on an endless array of new toys and gadgets, just as long as I paid my rent and electric. I could bleed the welfare system dry as I sit on my ass, get high/drunk and play Xbox all day while my baby mama's take care of our kids. Hell I could do whatever I wanted. BUT my parents didn't raise me to be an irresponsible disrespectful ghetto piece of trash like what lives next to me. Thanks mom and dad, life could have been so much easier for me, but I'm glad you taught me what you did, I am a better person for it.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes you have to hope that karma comes back and bites them in the ass!Just remember to not sweat the small stuff, you're a better person for taking the high road and in the end that will pay off somewhere in life.

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