Wednesday, November 16, 2016

11/16 update

Today I woke up with a sense of hope. Hope that things were looking up and I KNEW I was going to pull myself out of this. That didn't last long. I got to work with emails from the department manager asking for updates on three separate issues I had delegated out to be worked on, and they hadn't. One of which came through when I was helping someone on my team with an issue and another leader took care of it. I'm not placing blame on anyone but myself, but fucking hell can I catch a break?!?!

At this point I'm fighting against the current and just want to let go, but I can't, I won't. I'm not built for failure I'm built for success. I just have to climb this mountain and it'll be just fine. The only thing I need is a plan of attack.

1. Wake your ass up. Don't hit snooze and get back in bed. What's that extra 30 min of sleep REALLY getting you?

2. Better prioritization of time. Touch emails once and file away. Touch projects once and done.

3. Stop deceiving yourself. If you know it's something that needs to be done. Don't question it, don't put it off. Just fucking do it. If you need help, ask. If you can delegate, do it!

4. When you make a personal rule. There is no wiggle room, stick to it, otherwise you're wasting your time and energy.

Final daily update: the rest of the day went fairly well. I settled on the fact that I've fallen down as of late by getting in this rut and my primary focus needs to be getting my head in a good place before things get crazy in January. I need to do this for myself, my team and my career. While going through all this I can't lose sight of improving my marriage.

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